Outreach: Where the Zoo Comes to You!

Your school, youth group, community recreation program, library, senior citizen group, or day care center will connect with our education animals as we explore topics from adaptations to zoology. Educational, entertaining, and engaging, our programs are developed for your audience or you can choose from one of our Classroom Programs.

Program Options

Outreach programs are suggested for groups of all kinds including schools, senior citizen and assisted living centers, libraries, and community recreation programs. We offer a variety of program topics; a comprehensive list of options can be found under the Classroom tab. Programs are suggested by age; however, please feel free to discuss with us your group’s needs and where we may fit into your curriculum or goals.


0 to 15 Miles of Zoo, up to 30 minutes maximum travel time (regardless of mileage).
for the first program; capacity up to 30 people (children and adults total); duration is 30-45 minutes.

More than 15 miles from the Zoo, up to 45 minutes maximum travel time (regardless of mileage).
for the first program; capacity up to 30 people (children and adults total); duration is 30-45 minutes.

$130.00 for an additional program; capacity up to 30 people (children and adults total); duration is 30-45 minutes.  The second program must be concurrent with the first program.

For the safety and welfare of our program animals, we require the following:

  • A closed, climate controlled classroom for each program (once the program starts, the room is closed)
  • A table and chair(s) for presenter(s)
  • Access to handwashing during the program
  • Elevator access if the classroom is not on the ground floor (no stairs)
  • Parking immediate to the entrance of your facility


Outreaches need to be scheduled at least 3 weeks prior due to other programming obligations. The more advanced notice given, the better we should be able to accommodate your preferred date. Please understand that due to the nature of our work, we are often away from our desks and may need to call or email in the evening or after school hours.

To book your program, email Lisa Golden at lgolden@parks.essexcountynj.org. Please include the following details in your initial inquiry:

  • School or organization name and physical address
  • Audience age/grade level
  • Number of students and teachers attending
  • Topic of Interest
  • Contact information: name, phone number, email address
  • Possible program dates
  • Any questions you may have.

About our Education Animals

Our education animals are living beings.  As such, they have requirements for their safety, comfort and well-being. We cannot be stationed in rooms or venues with other animals present.

Outdoor venues are not approved for outreach locations.  Amplified music, bands, construction noise, and loud voices or many voices at once can be problematic for the animals, and such activities should not take place in the same room or nearby.

New Jersey is a “no touch state” which prohibits us from permitting the touching of any non-domesticated species.  Our education staff reserves the right to prohibit touching of even our domesticated species based on the zoo staff’s assessment of a situation and the comfort and safety of the animals, the zoo staff, and/or the program participants.

Distance Learning

TBZ Education Distance Learning is an opportunity for classroom teachers to access TBZ programming remotely. Content can be based on current education programs or tailored to the needs/specifications of the teacher. Distance Learning programs may be a single event, a multiple event arc throughout the school year, or as an introduction to/review of a TBZ field trip.