The African Savannah is a premier world destination and the same goes for our habitat area here in Essex County.
Giraffe out in the yard and Giraffe feed are weather, maintenance, and animal health & participation depending.
The sprawling savannah is our largest multi-species exhibit with some of the most iconic African species.
Although they are the most populous of the subspecies, it is estimated there are fewer than 37,000 Masai giraffe remaining in the wild, (recent reports of poaching would suggest it likely to be significantly less). As an accredited member of the Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA) the giraffes are part of the AZA Species Survival Plan (SSP). SSPs are coordinated plans to manage the genetic diversity of animal species held in AZA zoos. In support of this plan, TBZ’s exhibit features a bachelor herd of five Masai males.
The African Adventure exhibit was constructed to make the animals feel perfectly at home. It features three acres of land with grazing and shade stations. Multiple viewing areas let you move about the habitat to explore.
When not outdoors, their climate-controlled barn with special flooring, giraffe-height windows and adjustable hay racks makes for a cozy home in a New Jersey winter. While the giraffes are the stars of this area, don’t miss the other animals from the savanna, including ostrich along with critically endangered bongo.
In 2017, we opened our Lion and Hyena habitats. Spacious rotating spaces allow the animals room to roam and switch habitats to increase complexity for these species. Close up viewing windows can provide close encounters with these amazing animals.
We are currently introducing a new female lion into our habitat with our male lion. You will usually only see one on view at a time.
Shores of Africa, or our Penguin House, is a state-of-the-art habitat that houses a colony of 29 African penguins along with several pelicans. A small habitat near the exit houses a pair of bushbabies. These nocturnal animals are more active at night, so look up at the video monitors to see if you can catch them napping.