Asia contains over a quarter of the Earth’s land surface. Exotic and charismatic animals such as the red panda, Amur leopard, clouded leopard and gibbons inhabit this region of the zoo.
Watch gibbons swing (brachiate) through the jungle ruins as they welcome you to the area. If you step under the awning, you can still see our gibbon family on days that might be too chilly for outdoors. Outdoors on the far side, step up to our window view and see if a playful gibbon will come down to visit with you.
Follow the extensive bamboo plantings to new holding and habitats for red pandas, clouded leopards, hornbill and endangered Asian turtle species built in 2022. This most timely habitat features AZA’s Reduce the Risk and Wildlife Trafficking Alliance initiatives and ties in the expansive biodiversity of Asian countries with the threat to both humans and animals from zoonotic disease through the One Health initiative.
Further up into Amazing Asia you will find the critically endangered Amur leopard habitats as well as a quiet area with seating and shade for those needing a break.