Big Cat Country

Big Cat Country

Jaguar Off Exhibit in Winter

Visit Big Cat Country and explore with the jaguars and cougars as they roam their spacious  7,500-square-feet area. Both jaguars and cougars hail from the North American region and Big Cat Country mimics that environment.

The animals’ area has rock outcroppings, a waterfall, and indigenous Southwest plantings, perfect for big cats to climb and play!  Viewing areas have an overall southwest mining theme and features stamped concrete pathways for visitors. Heated rocks are strategically placed adjacent to the large glass windows, drawing the animals close to public view.  The exhibit also includes a pool for jaguars, one of the few cats that enjoy water. The Big Cat area has secure holding areas and is also is being used as a breeding facility.


Jaguars, Cougars


Open year-round

Jaguars off exhibit in winter

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Turtle Back Zoo