Sophisticated Science Seminars


Sophisticated Science Seminars are conservation programs geared towards more adult audiences, ages 13 t0 103!  Seminars run throughout the year and span topics such as animal anatomy, habitats and conservation, animal careers, and more. These programs are perfect for those interested in animals, science, conservation, and nature who want to learn something new in a relaxed atmosphere. Additional topics will continue to be developed, so be on the lookout for updates! Topics and descriptions of each can be found below; scroll down for more information about the topics.  Programs are 1pm to 3pm unless otherwise noted.


2025 Programs:

March 29 @ 1-3 PM: Tipping the Scales on Scales

July 26 @ 1-3 PM: Tipping the Scales on Scales

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Search for your desired date in the top left corner of the page.

Past Featured Topics:

Healing our Habitats: A four-part series. Explore how animals are dispersed throughout different habitats, how animals have evolved to thrive in each, and where they’re located on a global scale. Discover some endangered species, the conservation threats they face, and how we can do our part to help them.

Amazing Anatomy: Compare the anatomies of different types of animals – everything from fish to reptiles to mammals – in this series. The first session will cover digestive systems and how they’re adapted to fit the diets of their respective animals. The next session will discuss the skeletal system and how it has evolved over time. The following session will cover respiratory and circulatory systems and how they vary among different species. More organ systems will continue to be added as well, so stay tuned! 

Enriching Life (Animal Enrichment, Training, and Behavior)Touch, target, and tap! Find out how our keepers work with our animals in order to keep them mentally and physically healthy. Learn about the different types of enrichment, training, and behavior monitoring and how they contribute to the animal welfare program at TBZ. 

Back to the Future with Fossils:  A three-part series. Dive into the history of animal groups and why they look the way they do today. In each lecture, learn about geologic time through fossils, and go into detail about the transitional forms of birds, whales, tetrapods, and much more! 


Stand-alone Seminars

Animal Art:  Did you know our animals are artists? Join us for a creative educational program that explores how creating art is a form of animal enrichment.  You will get to see some talented animals paint and then paint a masterpiece yourself!  Art supplies are included with the program fee. 

Bad Bugs: This program focuses its lens on the state of NJ and five of the most impactful invasive insect species that now call the Garden State home. Join TBZ’s Educators to discover how YOU can help stop invasive species in their tracks.

Wild Careers: A course specifically geared towards high school students (ages 13-18). Find out about all the ways you can work in a zoo and what it takes to get these jobs. Experience behind-the-scenes chats with both our animal keepers and our management staff about the day-to-day highlights of their jobs, and the journey they took to get their jobs.

Biology, Evolution, and Adaptations: This seminar explores the basics of biology and genetics, and how evolution occurs over time. Come experience firsthand how evolution is reflected in animal species’ adaptations today. 

Zoo Conservation and Stewardship: Learn about how zoos came to be and the history of Turtle Back Zoo. Discover the importance of zoos (education, conservation, rehabilitation) and how they help save our animal species globally. Also, learn about what it means to be an AZA accredited zoo and how these zoos uphold the guidelines for the wellbeing of their animals. 

Turtle Back Zoo

Zoo Hours update Saturday, March 8th to 10am - 4pm