We ask that visitors comply with all park rules and listen to staff instruction for a safe and enjoyable visit.
  • Turtle Back Zoo is a smoke-free facility. No Vape/ E-Cigarette.

  • Adult supervision is required. All guests age 16 and under must be accompanied throughout your visit by an adult chaperone age 18 or over.

  • Shirts and shoes are required at all times.

  • Pets are NOT permitted. Guests who rely on service animals may bring them into the Zoo once they check in at our Guest Services to receive additional on-grounds information. Guests are solely responsible for the care and control of their animals.

  • Do NOT feed our animal residents or throw things in exhibits.

    Stay on public paths at all times. Do not walk through landscaping.

    Please respect & leave untouched the plants and trees around you.

  • Deposit trash & recycling in designated receptacles.

  • Weapons of any kind, Styrofoam coolers, balloons, balls, piñatas, bikes, skateboards, or scooters are NOT permitted in the Zoo or the surrounding complex. Power wheel and remote controlled devices are not permitted on grounds.

    Outside Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.

    Radios and speakers are prohibited.

  • Please go directly to the Guest Relations Office should you or someone in your group get lost or injured.

  • Stroller parking is required at some exhibits and attractions. Please self-park your stroller when instructed and take your belongings with you. Stroller and contents left at your own risk.

  • During your visit, you may be photographed or videotaped by Zoo staff. Your image may also be observed and transmitted in real time. Your admission serves as permission for the foregoing uses of your image.

    Non-commercial photography for personal use is allowed, but tripods maybe restricted at the discretion of zoo staff. Commercial photography or filming is prohibited without express permission. Commercial photography and filming requests must go through the Guest Relations Office.

    Drones are not allowed.

  • Guest Conduct Policy: We expect all guests to behave in a family-friendly manner. Zoo staff, guests, and the animals in our care deserve an environment free from abusive or inappropriate behavior.

    This Guest Conduct Policy also applies to written and verbal correspondence. Essex County Turtle Back Zoo reserves the right to terminate communication with any individual who engages in verbal harassment, profanity, discriminatory or threatening behavior, whether by phone, email or other means of communication.

  • We reserve the right to escort from zoo grounds any individuals or groups who are acting in ways deemed harmful to our animals or the park, or that impinge upon the enjoyment of the park by other guests.

  • Policies are subject to change, and all guests must abide by the park rules in effect on the date of visit. When changes happen, we make every effort to align our website and park signage with updates. Always check before you arrive for the most up-to-date information.

Following these rules will make your visit & those of other guests enjoyable, as well as keep our animals safe.